1. Soil erosion destruction : Soil dries up as they are exposed directly to the sunlight cause trees are not there to cover them. Erosion occurs during rainy season as rain washes down the soil surfaces and tree roots are unable to hold the soil as most of the trees have been felled down.
2. Water recycle : Trees are capable to ground the water in their roots and release it into atmosphere. When forests are destroyed, the atmosphere and water recycle are all affected. Trees absorbs and stores water in its roots. Eventually, the recycle process will be broken and the atmosphere and water bodies start to dry up.
3. Climate Change : Trees absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and release oxygen into atmosphere. When forests are felled down, more CO2 will remain in the atmosphere which eventually caused the climate to become hotter.
4. Loss of Biodiversity : More than 70% of animals and plants are living in the forests. Many of animals and plants are losing their habitats due to deforestation which significantly lead to the species extinction.
Sources: http://eschooltoday.com/forests/problems-of-deforestation.html
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